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Friday, December 14, 2007

The 7th sense and intelligent client

I never waste my time on the sponsored links at my gmail client, but cannot avoid a glance on the web clip pulled from my subscription (pic below). After fighting through possible Google or ad keyword filtering algorithms, sometimes it's dumb smart as I keep "social" and "web2.0" two tags on the subscription.

This is an example of the rudimentary intelligent client at the 4th-tier with a service mashup (simply Google + at RSS level). In Marshall McLuhan's concept, technology, or this case in specific - the 4th-tier client, is an extension of human body. The client creates a digital human sensory system after seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, touching, and possible psyche power (the 6th sense). Technology builds up the human peripheral of the 7th sense for our cognition and perception at our digital environment.

Like our basic human sensory system, we can also develop the adaptive filtering capability in our 7th sense. In vision sensory, we can focus on the display items during window shopping, and totally ignore the reflective images on the glass (try to shoot a photo and see what you got). Similarly, I always unintentionally ignore Google ad sense content. My 7th sense was eventually trained in my brain by past negative experience (ad sense content is mostly noise to me).

PM's and developer's job is to relieve human burden at the 7th sensory, bottom line is to avoid the negative brain training for ignorance. Therefore, machine cooperated effective adaptive filtering should be built into the client, making the client intelligent. From technology side, semantic web (web3.0) will pave the path. Thereafter, the semantic powered intelligent agents (web4.0) will achieve higher level of machine intelligence, making sense for our 7th sense.

Mobile devices are naturally perfect human peripherals. The current widget trend will ease the construction of intelligent mobile clients. We will see the heated-up battle field of social apps on mobile world.

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